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Hey There!

Thought Shot is a weekly newsletter with '3-minute reads on Becoming Better, Purpose-Driven Leaders.

You can expect to read about my experiments, learnings, failures, and stories sprinkled with helpful tools and frameworks.

In the past, my essays have focused on questions such as -

  1. How can I do better personal goal-setting that actually works?

  2. How can I do more mindful delegation as a manager?

  3. How can I deal with leadership palisades as I grow in my career?

This newsletter is totally free. I attempt to write regularly (which will land directly in your inbox) and I promise there will never be spam. Make sure to never miss an essay from me -

Check out my debut post here to read more about who I am and why I started Thought Shot.

You can also read the older posts on the website anytime. Also, I promise to read all your comments and always write back.

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3 Minute Reads for Becoming Better Purpose-Driven Leaders


Strategy and innovation expert | For the last 15+ years, I have been working with businesses and nonprofits on social impact and sustainability challenges.